Melanie Tinsley


Discover Yamuna® Body rolling

"Yamuna ® body rolling(YBR) is a completely original fitness and therapy practice that combines healing, wellness, and injury prevention in a single workout."

Yamuna® body rolling was developed by Yamuna Zake.

She developed body rolling from her original form of body logic. Using the anatomy and pathophysiology of the body she stimulated the bone and tendon to lengthen the muscle.  This allowed the skeleton to take its natural shape and promote reeducation of the muscle. In body logic she used her elbow and opposite hand to create that result. Today through Yamuna's tireless efforts we have body rolling.


Yamuna® body rolling uses the same principles as body logic 

The bone is stimulated with the ball.  As you roll through the tendon, it begins to release and unwind, allowing the muscle to follow its natural pattern to the point of insertion.  YBR promotes space in the joints, allowing the body to function without restriction and pain.  This can also decrease the wear and tear of your joints.

Yamuna uses the ball, your body weight, gravity and breath work to impact bones in your body.  Rolling the ball in the natural direction of a muscle, you lengthen the muscle fibers which takes tension off the bone structure.

Following the anatomy of the body allows proper realignment of bones and lengthening of the muscles.

Get on the ball and feel the difference!

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